BarberEVO Magazine

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UK Squire is Back!

UK, SQUIRE is back! And, with their first-ever exclusive UK tour hosted by @hayden_cassidy! Get in the game with the UK’s most elite barbers. The drinks, food, music & raffles are on SQUIRE– as well as free onsite SQUIRE demos that will show you how to elevate your barbershop. The first five accounts per tour stop to sign up to become SQUIRE users will receive a free 1:1 virtual workshop with Hayden for a Higher Learning session powered by SQUIRE. See you there!


London: March 5th, 8-11pm, Champs’ Barber Shop, @champsbarbers, 17 Riding House St, London W1W 7DY

Sign up for London here

Manchester: March 6th, 3-7pm, Danny & Co. Barber Shop, @dannyandcobarbers, The Barn, 2a Mill St, Uppermill, Saddleworth, OL3 6HT

Sign up for Machester here

Glasgow: March 7th, 3-7pm, Sovereign Grooming, @sovereigngrooming, 38 Renfield Street Glasgow G2 1LU

Sign up for Glasgow here

And pick up your FREE copy of BarberEVO magazine!

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