The All Party Parliamentary Group for Hairdressing, Barbering and Cosmetology was reconstituted at the AGM on the 14 June.
This APPG is the ONLY All Party Parliamentary Group representing the hairdressing and barbering sector and serves an important role in the industries access to Government in conjunction with the new Personal Care department at BEIS.
Joined by many MPs from all political parties, Christina Rees MP was voted in as Chair with the following MPs voted in as Vice Chairs;
- John McNally MP
- Catherine West MP
- Ruth Jones MP
- Caroline Nokes MP
- Tonia Antoniazzi MP
- Sir David Arness MP
In addition, Connect Communications was voted in as the group’s continuing secretariat and the Councils political PR organisation.
Great news for the sector knowing this APPG in Westminster is fully active with increased political support.
Hair & Barber Council Registrar, Keith Conniford, says: “Never before has the industry needed a stronger voice to Government more than now, and as we emerge from this pandemic, the continuance of our APPG at Westminster is critical to the future positioning of our industry in the political arena. To be wholly recognised as the professionals we are, this APPG will focus on the many needs and concerns of our sector, whilst continuing to fight for mandatory registration, and the Hair & Barber Council are proud to support and sponsor it.”