Six students were awarded a life changing opportunity recently, by Wahl Clipper Corporation’s Professional division and social service organization Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis to attend barber school at Antonio’s Barber College and St. Charles Barber College as part of the Wahl Professional Fade it ForwardTM program. The innovative program provides mentorship and support to at-risk youth with the goal of helping them achieve their dreams of becoming professional barbers and entrepreneurs.
The six students selected to receive scholarships from the Sterling, IL-based clipper manufacturer are Korey Cole, Pereze Dodd, Tyla Garrett, Jawaad Spann, Edric Hodges, and Charisma Jordan.
The students didn’t know that Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) member, Garland ‘G-Whiz’ Fox would be there to surprise and welcome them to the Wahl family. Fox gave each student their scholarship certificate and a gift bag of Wahl Professional tools for each student to use during barber school.
Before beginning classes at Antonio’s Barber College and St. Charles Barber College, Cole, Dodd, Garrett, Spann, Hodges, and Jordan will have completed a four-week mentorship program with professional barbers in the St. Louis area.
“The goal always has been to expand Fade It Forward to other areas, and now we have with our first class in St. Louis. This program was designed to help youth who just need the opportunity to get out of their current situations and further change the trajectory of their lives,” says Fox.
The Fade It Forward program has started its first year in St. Louis and its second year in Chicago with plans underway to begin in Cleveland in 2021. For more information go to